If you're wondering whether or not making money using blogs is possible, there are plenty of experts who are using it is a money making or marketing tool - a good example are authors that are currently on the New York Times and other best selling books' lists. The main reason that many of these books are successful is due to the authors' web sites and blog content. Using their blogs, they are able to keep in touch with nearly every reader, track statistics, and identify strengths in their marketing campaign to maximize.
That's one example, you say, but what about a more general blog (for more of an online entrepreneur novice)? In all honesty, I've come across many different blogs on the internet and many of them are apparently content-less and ineffective. Making money on the internet is not for the weak or faint of heart - if you don't know where you're headed and don't have a solid business plan, there's little you can achieve with a blog. If you bump across one of these bloggers, I'm sure you'll find that most of them are struggling. With all of the available ebooks and information on making money online, many have just picked up the blog trend and attempted to earn cash from it. The truth is, it's a bit more involved than it seems.
Having a successful money making blog requires networking, marketing (internet, word of mouth), rich content, and optimization for search engines. If people don't know about your blog or can't find it, you can write some of the most helpful content 15 hours a day, and you won't make a dime. If you want to make some money on the internet, a blog is a great tool, but you need to setup a business infrastructure first.
The main thing you need to do is to identify what business you're in. Blogs are information rich web sites, so if you're in the business of selling shoes and you don't have much news or updated content regarding your shoes on a daily or weekly basis, a blog won't do you any good. If you're in the service business (i.e. - coaching sales people how to make more sales), on the other hand, a blog will prove very useful - you can write books or ebooks and promote them on your blog; you can provide some helpful tips and resources on a weekly basis and optimize your web site to attract sales people who will find your ideas actionable. In this regard, a blog will be a great marketing tool to help you earn money online.
Of course, you don't need to be a superb expert to benefit from a blog - as long as your business idea and model can make use of the networking and content-rich aspects of a blog, there is a good chance it will be a useful marketing and thus, money making tool. There are a plethora of large market niches that you can probably associate yourself with, so taking the time to find out your passion and noticing what works and sells in specific markets of interest will prove to be the best starting point. In essence, jump into blog-mode only after you've resolved to pursue a blog-worthy business.
About The Author:Jason Wieland is a successful internet marketer and works with some of the leading marketers in the industry. His goal is to help others achieve the success online that he has been able to obtain. To learn more about making money with blogging, Visit Jason's BigTicket website.
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